Friday, October 17, 2008

Sum Laffs!


It's time for random kitty (and other animals) humor. Take yourselves to for some laughs! Beware, there is bad spelling ahoy! But would you really expect cats to be great spellers?

more animals

more animals

more animals

more animals

more animals

:D :D :D

Laughing is good for you. It's scientifically proven and everything.
Take care!

Songs Playing In My Head Today
Michael Nyman's theme from The Piano
Eclipse by Suzanne Ciani
Voca Me by LIBERA
The Batman Theme
Life In Mono by Mono
Thanksgiving by George Winston

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Catching Up & Texas

WARNING: The entry below is 'totally blabby' to make up for time absent. There will be no picture breaks and the content may lack relevance and/or a point. May also contain copious spelling errors. If you still wish to read the entry below, the establishment will not be held responsible for any choking that make occur from excess drool incurred while sleeping from overwhelming boredom. Have a nice day!



Had quite the gusty little storm last week. Blew branches off and tried to do its best imitation of a sand blaster. I bent my passport renewal pictures trying to get into the house without having them or myself blown away! ;)

Dad came up for a lovely visit the twelfth through the fifteenth of August. We had a great time just hanging out and chattering. Even went shopping a bit. Had a terrible time finding a duvet cover for my new duvet. Poor man, a whole exhausting day of shopping. We eventually found two that will work splendidly and he survived like a real trooper!