Thursday, July 3, 2008

Thus Do I Follow


I am persuaded to follow the example of my chums and relations. I must BLOG. *inspiring music swells in the background*

As a practicing procrastinator, I will often forget that I should update regularly. There may be many long days between posts. And as I am not extremely computer savvy, there will probably be awkward moments of strange looking pages. In spite of these minor setbacks, I welcome any brave readers warmly! :D

So, sit back (but make sure your seatbelt is securely fastened) and join me for a mild adventure in blogging.



  1. Muah-ha-ha-HA!!! I've got you now, my pretty! Love your profile pic, by the way! :D Toodle-loo!

  2. Elizabeth!! Welcome to the wonderful world of me, it's quite the responsibility:) I miss you..feels like it's been ages since I've seen you!

  3. Hola Chica...
    welcome. It's great, and it's not so great...blogging that is.
    Miss and love!

  4. sierra: Thank you! I like the background on yours. Very fun!

    jason & sue: Wah! It's great to hear from you! It does feel like ages

    beth: Hola! Que pasa? (Don't expect more than that, my Spanish is....on the small side of the skill spectrum.) Miss you too!

